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Elaborado por Jesús López Lucas

Revistas Especializadas

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En esta sección presentamos una selección de revistas especializadas 


Adolescence (Paris)

"Exprime son intérêt pour l'étude des processus d'adolescence et de la psychothérapie. Les méthodes de travail sont résolument psychanalytiques."

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1997. Abstracts 1997.

Adoption Quarterly

"Forum for examining the issues of child care, the relationship between nature and nurture, and the psychological and social meanings of families, among other issues"

Online: Journal information.
Links & Hints: Tables of Contents and Abstracts 1997-
Publisher: Haworth Press (more).

American Journal of Family Therapy

"Techniques for treating families; theory on normal and dysfunctional family relationships; research on sexuality and intimacy; the effects of traditional and alternative family styles; community approaches to family intervention (...)"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1997-.
Links & Hints: US mirror site| Tables of Contents of forthcoming issues by Taylor & Francis listservers
Publisher: Taylor and Francis (more).

Archives of Family Medicine

"Publishes original clinical and research studies as well as practical, hands-on articles on clinical topics, technological advances, practice and information management, clinical decision-making, preventive medicine, and other issues"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1995-. Abstracts 1995-.
Links & Hints: Browse the MEDLINE database for titles and abstracts
Publisher: American Medical Association (more).

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, The

"Promotes the theory and practise of family therapy in Australia and New Zealand"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1997-.
Publisher: Blackwell Publishers (more).

Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care

"Written by and for maternal and neonatal health professionals - nurses, midwives, physicians, childbirth educators, public health workers, lactation counselors, and others who care for childbearing women and families"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Blackwell Science Ltd (more).

Cahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux

"Revue de thérapie familiale à être parue en français."

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: De Boeck Université (more).

Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. Revue Canadienne de Santé Mentale Communautaire

"An interdisciplinary publication devoted to the sharing of information and valid knowledge about phenomena pertinent to the mental well-being of Canadians and their communities."

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Canadian Periodical for Community Studies Inc. (more).

Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal

"Features original articles that focus on clinical social work practice with children, adolescents,and their families"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Human Sciences Press (more).

Child & Family Behavior Therapy

"Devoted to research and clinical applications in behavior therapy with children, adolescents, and their families"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Haworth Press (more).

Child Abuse & Neglect

"Forum on all aspects of child abuse and neglect including sexual abuse, with special emphasis on prevention and treatment. The scope extends further to all those aspects of life which either favor or hinder optimal family interaction"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1995-.
Links & Hints: Browse the MEDLINE database for titles and abstracts| Tables of Contents of forthcoming issues by ContentsDirect
Publisher: Elsevier (more).

Child and Family Social Work

"Original and distinguished contributions on matters of research, theory, policy and practice in the field of social work with children and their families"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1997-.
Publisher: Blackwell Science Ltd (more).

Child Development

"Child development from the fetal period through adolescence"

Online: Journal information.
Links & Hints: Browse the MEDLINE database for titles and abstracts
Publisher: Blackwell Publishers (more).

Child Development Abstracts & Bibliography

"Publishes abstracts and book reviews of research literature selected from about 275 English and foreign language journals, technical reports, and books that cover education and the biomedical and behavioral sciences"

Online: Journal information. Free full text articles (see the online edition of the journal)
Links & Hints: Publisher's journal information
Publisher: Blackwell Publishers (more).

Children's Health Care

"Publishes empirically-based articles addressing theoretical, clinical, programmatic,training, and professional practice issues relevant to the family-centered,developmental, and psychosocial aspects of children's health care"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Inc. (more).

Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review

"Publishes original research reviews, conceptual and theoretical papers, and related work in the broad area of the behavioral sciences that pertains to infants, children, adolescents, and families."

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Plenum Publishing (more).

Community Mental Health Journal

"Among the subjects covered are crisis intervention, planned change, suicide prevention, social system analysis, early case finding, family therapy, milieu therapy, human ecology, high-risk groups, and social welfare"

Online: Journal information.
Links & Hints: Browse the MEDLINE database for titles and abstracts
Publisher: Human Sciences Press (more).

Community work and Family

"The links between community, work and family have generated widespread interdisciplinary interest, which this journal will draw together with a focus on theory, research, policy and practice."

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1998-.
Publisher: Carfax (more).

Contemporary Family Therapy

"Developments in theory, research, and practice, with an emphasis on examination of the family within the socioeconomic matrix of which it is an integral part"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Human Sciences Press (more).


"A News Magazine of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Association for Family Therapy (more).

Development & Psychopathology

"Devoted to the publication of original, empirical, theoretical and review papers which address the interrelationship of normal and pathological development in adults and children"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1997-.
Links & Hints: US mirror site
Publisher: Cambridge University Press (more).

Developmental Psychology

"Publishes articles that advance knowledge and theory about human development across the life span"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents covering one year. Abstracts for the current issue.
Publisher: American Psychological Association (APA) (more).

Early Development & Parenting

"Publishes theoretical, empirical, and methodological papers covering all aspects related to psychological development during infancy and early childhood"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1996-.
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (more).

Eating Disorders
The Journal of Treatment and Prevention

"Considers the essential cultural, social, familial, and personal elements that not only foster eating-related problems, but also furnish clues that facilitate the most effective possible therapies and treatment approaches"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Brunner & Mazel (more).

Études psychanalytiques

"Elle demeure ce lieu d'échanges autour d'un thème où, effectivement, la pensée psychanalytique, si diversifiée en cette fin de siècle, joue un rôle majeur mais nullement exclusif."

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: De Boeck Université (more).

Families, Systems and Health

"Focuses on collaboration among families, mental health professionals, and other health care providers as the key to transforming the health care system in the USA and other countries"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Families, Systems & Health, Inc. (more).

Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal

"Vehicle for the dissemination of new knowledge being generated by home economics researchers"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Sage Publications (more).

Family Futures

"Provide practice-oriented descriptions of recent research findings, and introduce readers to state-of-the-art programs for meeting the challenges facing families today"

Online: Journal information.
Links & Hints: Publication discontinued
Publisher: Institute for Families in Society (more).

Family Journal, The
Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families

"Advances the theory, research and practice of counselling with couples and families from a family systems perspective."

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Sage Publications (more).

Family Practice

"Aimed at practitioners, teachers and researchers in the fields of family medicine, general practice and primary care in both developed and developing countries"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1996-. Abstracts 1996-.
Links & Hints: Browse the MEDLINE database for titles and abstracts| Free Table of Contents E-Mailing Service
Publisher: Oxford University Press (more).

Family Process

"A multidisciplinary journal that publishes clinical research, training, and theoretical contributions in the broad area of family therapy."

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1996. Abstracts 1996.
Publisher: Family Process, Inc. (more).

Family Relations

"An interdisciplinary journal of applied family studies"

Online: Journal information.
Links & Hints: Journal information and Tables of Contents
Publisher: National Council on Family Relations (more).

Family Therapy News

"Newspaper that reports on current events and the latest developments in the field of marriage and family therapy"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (more).


"Quarterly Journal of the American Society on Aging. Each issue is devoted to bringing together the most useful and current knowledge about a specific topic in the field of aging, with emphasis on practice, research, and policy"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1997-.
Links & Hints: Journal information
Publisher: Allen Press (more).

Gestalt Review
A Publication of The Gestalt International Study Center

"A publication that concentrates on the Gestalt approach to clinical, family, group, and organizational topics."

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1997-. Free full text articles selected articles
Links & Hints: Publisher's journal information
Publisher: The Analytic Press (more).

Hypnose'Net: Le journal de l'hypnose sur le Net (eJournal)

"Ce journal électronique est dédié à l'hypnose et aux Thérapies systémiques brèves et/ou familiales"

Online: Journal information.

Indian Journal of Gender Studies

"Examines how gender issues influence social attitudes and academic biases, and facilitate a fuller understanding of gender-based contributions to the family, community and society"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Sage Publications (more).

Journal of Adolescence

"An international, broad based, cross-disciplinary journal that addresses issues of professional and academic importance concerning development between puberty and the attainment of adult status within society."

Online: Journal information.
Links & Hints: Free Tables of Contents, Abstracts and E-Mail Alerting Service by IDEAL - the International Digital Electronic Access Library
Publisher: Academic Press (more).

Journal of Adolescent Research

"Publishes articles on the psychological, cognitive and physical development of individuals between 10 and 20 years of age"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Sage Publications (more).

Journal of Child & Family Studies

"Forum for topical issues pertaining to the mental well-being of children, adolescents, and their families"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Human Sciences Press (more).

Journal of Constructivist Psychology

"Embracing such diverse expressions of constructivism as personal construct theory, constructivist marriage and family therapy, structural-developmental and language-based approaches to psychology, and narrative psychology"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1995-.
Links & Hints: Journal information| US mirror site | Tables of Contents of forthcoming issues by Taylor & Francis listservers
Publisher: Taylor and Francis (more).

Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy

"Presents clinical, theoretical, and research articles on a wide array of couple and adult relationship treatment issues."

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Haworth Press (more).

Journal of Divorce & Remarriage

"All aspects of divorce, including predivorce marital and family treatment, marital separation and dissolution, children's responses to divorce and separation, single parenting, remarriage, and stepfamilies"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Haworth Press (more).

Journal of Early Adolescence

"Focusing on the characteristics of individuals between 10 and 14 years of age"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Sage Publications (more).

Journal of Family & Economic Issues

"An interdisciplinary publication that explores the intricate relationship between the family and its economic environment"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Human Sciences Press (more).

Journal of Family Issues

"Is devoted to the contemporary social issues and social problems related to marriage and family life, and to theoretical and professional issues of current interest to those who work with and study families."

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Sage Publications (more).

Journal of Family Psychology

"Is devoted to the study of the family system from multiple perspectives and to the application of psychological methods of inquiry to that end"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents covering one year. Abstracts for the current issue.
Publisher: American Psychological Association (APA) (more).

Journal of Family Psychotherapy

"Offers an expanded forum for detailed clinical case studies, descriptions of successful treatment programs, innovative strategies in clinical practice, and other articles that are of immediate practical use to therapists"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Haworth Press (more).

Journal of Family Social Work

"Devoted to ecosystemic theory, examining the self of the clinician, research, and practice with couples and families"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Haworth Press (more).

Journal of Family Therapy

"Advances the understanding and treatment of human relationships constituted in systems such as couples, families, professional networks, and wider groups by publishing articles on theory, research, clinical practice and training"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1995-. Abstracts 1995-.
Publisher: Blackwell Publishers (more).

Journal of Family Violence

"Information on clinical and investigative efforts concerning all forms of family violence and its precursors, including spouse-battering, child abuse, sexual abuse of children, incest, abuse of the elderly, marital rape, domestic homicide (...)"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Plenum Publishing (more).

Journal of Feminist Family Therapy

"Provides an international forum to further explore the relationship between feminist theory and family therapy practice and theory"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Haworth Press (more).

Journal of Marital and Family Therapy

"Contains peer-reviewed articles on clinical and professional research, emerging knowledge, and other developments in marriage and family therapy"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (more).

Journal of Marriage and the Family

"Research journal in the family field"

Online: Journal information.
Links & Hints: Journal information and Tables of Contents
Publisher: National Council on Family Relations (more).

Journal of Research in Childhood Education

"Is intended to advance knowledge and theory of the education of children, from infancy through early adolescence"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Association for Childhood Education International (more).

Journal of Research on Adolescence
The Official Journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence

"Featured studies include intensive measurement, multivariate-longitudinal, and animal comparative studies; demographic and ethnographic analyses; and laboratory experiments."

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 2001-.
Publisher: Blackwell Publishers (more).

Journal of Substance Abuse & the Family

"This Journal is Currently Under Development"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Haworth Press (more).

Journal of Teaching in Marriage & Family
Innovations in Family Science Education

"Conceptual, theoretical, and empirical articles focusing on the latest developments in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) in family science."

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 2001-. Abstracts 2001-.
Publisher: Haworth Press (more).

Journal of Traumatic Stress

"Reference for professionals who study and treat people exposed to highly stressful and traumatic events (...), such as war, disaster, accident, violence or abuse (criminal or familial), hostage-taking, or life-threatening illness"

Online: Journal information.
Links & Hints: Browse the MEDLINE database for titles and abstracts| Tables of Contents and Abstracts 1995-
Publisher: Plenum Publishing (more).

Journal of Youth & Adolescence

"Medium of communication for psychiatrists, psychologists, biologists, sociologists, educators, and professionals in many other disciplines who address themselves to the subject of youth and adolescence"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Plenum Publishing (more).

Loss, Grief & Care

"Explores the crucial issues of psychosocial care for chronically, critically, and terminally ill patients and their family members"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Haworth Press (more).

Marriage & Family Review

"The topics and issues covered range from leisure time activities, traditional and nontraditional family relationships, societal pressures and impacts on families, and cross-cultural studies on the family"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Haworth Press (more).

Mediation Quarterly

"Researchers and practitioners explore the role of mediation in resolving all types of disputes: family, commercial, community, educational, labor, business, medical, and environmental"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1996-. Abstracts 1996-.
Publisher: Jossey-Bass (more).

New Directions For Child & Adolescent Development

"Tool for keeping up-to-date on the latest topics in developmental psychology. Each volume focuses on a specific research topic and is edited by a specialist-researcher in the topic."

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Jossey-Bass (more).

Progress: Family Systems Research and Therapy

"Journal of the Phillips Graduate Institute"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1992-. Abstracts 1992-. Free full text articles 1992- (selected)
Publisher: Phillips Graduate Institute (more).

System Familie. Forschung und Therapie

"Ist dem Ziel gewidmet, eine enge Verbindung zwischen Forschung und Praxis in der Familientherapie und systemischen Therapie herzustellen"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1997. Abstracts 1997.
Links & Hints: Tables of Contents 1994-
Publisher: Springer (more).


"Zeitschrift des Instituts für Familientherapie Weinheim, praktische und theoretische Beiträge zur systemischen Therapie"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1996-. Abstracts 1997.
Publisher: Institut für Familientherapie e.V. (more).

Thérapie Familiale

"Offre un cadre où sont développés le mouvement des idées et de la thérapie familiale systémique."

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents (current issue only). Abstracts (current issue only).

Youth & Society

"Emphasizes youth and adolescence in the social contexts of home, school, community, leisure activities and the work place"

Online: Journal information.
Publisher: Sage Publications (more).

Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie

"Als Originalarbeiten und Kurzartikel werden hier theoriegeleitete empirische Forschungsbeiträge aufgenommen, in besonderen Fällen aber auch Beiträge zur Methodenentwicklung und zur Theoriebildung einschliesslich Computermodellierung"

Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1995-. Abstracts 1995-.
Publisher: Hogrefe (more).

   Master Universitario en Intervención Familiar

Universidad de la Laguna